Thursday, December 16, 2010

How to create a custom ClockResolution in Hector (0.7.0-x)

Create your own ClockResolution in Hector (as of 0.7.0-22) is easy. We have modified the code a bit to allow Hector clients to define their own implementation if needed. Let's assume we want to create a clock resolution class that generates negative numbers (this is not a useful example. It is only to show how it is possible).
The way to do it is by creating a class that implements me.prettyprint.hector.api.ClockResolution

    // Define my own clock resolution.
    class SequentialClockResolution implements ClockResolution {
        public long createClock() {
            return System.currentTimeMillis() * -1;

And now we have to tell Hector to use it.

    CassandraHostConfigurator cassandraHostConfigurator = new CassandraHostConfigurator("localhost");

    cassandraHostConfigurator.setClockResolution(new SequentialClockResolution());

As an additional information, this is the class diagram involved in ClockResolution.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Evaluating timestamp resolution algorithms in Hector Framework (Cassandra DB)

As many of you might know, Java does not provide microseconds granularity. When using Cassandra DB you need to make sure that your clients have their clocks in sync. That is the requirement. Other non-relational databases like Voldemort, this is not necessary (they use Vector Clocks).
If we decided to use milliseconds resolution (what Java provides), sometimes if there are two inserts (or one insert and one delete) within the same millisecond (typical example in Lucandra when updating a row),
the second operation gets discarded as it happens at the same time than the previous request. This is why we had to come up with a way to provide every thread that requests a time a unique timestamp.

 Evaluate the performance of the three Hector time resolution algorithms with Microseconds accuracy.
-          The fully synchronized algorithm guarantees unique timestamp in microseconds per threads and across threads.[1]
-          The second one uses Atomic Longs to accomplish the same goal than the first one, but presents some race condition and the results might not be guaranteed across threads. I contributed this code and it is in Hector branch 6 but not main branch. [2]
-          The third one does not guaranteed that a thread in two consecutives calls obtain the same timestamp. (risk of missing operations as Cassandra discard them if they contain the  same timestamp). Currently in hector main branch. [3]

The fully synchronized timestamp resolution algorithm present a decent TPS, almost imperceptible comparing with the non-synchronized one and providing a “bullet proof” mechanisms to guarantee  unique time resolution within the same thread and across threads as well.

-          Machine: rwc-devlinux5
-          CPUs:  2 X QC x 3.0gh
-          RAM: 32 GB
-          SO:  Red Hat (RHEL 5.3)

About the test:
I included the result of 3 benchmarks. With 8 threads, with 50 and 100(with no warm-up).
Per benchmark, there are 3 sub-benchmark where I compare the behavior of 3 algorithms to calculate the timestamp:
-          Fully synchronized
-          Partially synchronized, and  (use AtomicLong)
-          Not synchronized at all
Each thread execute a couple of thousand operations.
Each operation does 3 things:

  double res = Math.random() * 13;
  String s = "something" + res;

Before the benchmark, I let the test run 5k operation with no time calculation to warm-up. Without it, the first set of test to be executed always shows a slightly less performance. So I consider it was fair to include the warm-up first. The 100 threads test has not warm-up.

The overall operation is 5,000,000. Regardless the number of threads. This way I can see how fast or slow  it works.

How to interpret the results:
-          Look at the attached files. There 2 files per benchmark. (one shows the TPS and media, and the other one shows the CPU usage)
-          For example: 100Threads-15secs-50kops means:
o   100 threads
o   Graphic has timeframes of 15 secs
o   Each thread perform 50 K operations
-          There are three colors indicating the performance of the three algorithms (Blue, Red and Green)

BLUE: the createTimestamp method is fully synchronized
GREEN: Partially synchronized using atomic long with possible race conditions.
RED: Not synchronized at all with high risk of getting the same timestamp within and across threads.

Case 1: 8 Threads - 1000 K operations.
Note: Lower values are better. It shows the media of each algorithm.

Case 1: 8 Threads - 1000 K operations.
Note: TPS (transactions per second). Higher values are better here.

Case 1: CPU and memory. Notice how the cpu usage stays constant during the execution of the three test cases (a spike down indicates the end and beginning of the next test).

Case 1b: 8 Threads - 1000 K operations with warmup (5K operation per thread and non-synchronized is first)
Note: Including a warmup and switching the non-synchronized operation in the first place seems to make a different. The lowest media is of course for the non-synchronized algorithm, the highest value is for the fully synchronized algorithm and as expected, the algorithm that uses AtomicLong is slightly in between (lower values are better).

Case 1b: 8 Threads - 1000 K operations with warmup (5K operation per thread and non-synchronized is first)
Note:  In this second graph second case (TPS), the three algorithms seem to perform just as good. (highest values are better)

Case 2: 50 Threads - 100 K operations with warmup (lower values are better).

Case 2: 50 Threads - 100 K operations with warmup(higher values are better).

Case 2: CPU and memory. Notice how the cpu usage stays constant during the execution of the three test cases (a spike down indicates the end and beginning of the next test).

Case 2: 100 Threads - 50 K operations.

Case 3: 100 Threads - 50 K operations.

Case 3: CPU and memory. Notice how the cpu usage stays constant during the execution of the three test cases (a spike down indicates the end and beginning of the next test).

Source code

public enum TimestampResolutionFullySynchronized {

   * The last time value issued. Used to try to prevent duplicates.
  private static long lastTime = -1;

  private static final long ONE_THOUSAND = 1000L;

  public synchronized  long createTimestamp() {
    long current = System.currentTimeMillis();
    switch(this) {
      // The following simulates a microseconds resolution 
      // by advancing a static counter every time
      // a client calls the createClock method, simulating a tick.
      long us = current * ONE_THOUSAND;
      if (us > lastTime) {
        lastTime = us;
      } else {  
        // the time i got from the system is equals or less 
        // (hope not - clock going backwards)
        // One more "microsecond"
        us = ++lastTime;
      return us;
      return current;
    case SECONDS:
      return current / 1000;
    return current;


public enum TimestampResolutionPartiallySynchronized {

       * The last time value issued. Used to try to prevent duplicates.
      private static final AtomicLong lastTime = new AtomicLong(Long.MIN_VALUE);

      public long createTimestamp() {
        long current = System.currentTimeMillis();
        switch(this) {
        case MICROSECONDS:
          // The following simmulates a microsec resolution 
          // by advancing a static counter every time
          // a client calls the createClock method, simulating a tick.
          long us = current * 1000;
          if (us > lastTime.longValue()) {
          } else
            // the time i got from the system is equals or less 
            // (hope not - clock going backwards)
            // One more "microsecond"
            us = lastTime.incrementAndGet();
          return us;
        case MILLISECONDS:
          return current;
        case SECONDS:
          return current / 1000;
        return current;


public enum TimestampResolutionSimpleMicro {

      private static final long ONE_THOUSAND = 1000L;

      public long createTimestamp() {
        long current = System.currentTimeMillis();
        switch(this) {
        case MICROSECONDS:
          return current * ONE_THOUSAND;
        case MILLISECONDS:
          return current;
        case SECONDS:
          return current / 1000;
        return current;